Every great leader learns to master their mindpower in order to propel life forward.

Every great leader learns to master their mindpower in order to propel life forward.

Are you ready for a Mindset Slingshot?

Mindset Slingshot is a project designed by two Master Mindpower Coaches to help you release everything that's holding you back so that you can achieve everything you want in life. We do this by helping you master your mindpower, so that you can conquer any obstacle and weather any storm.

Mindset Slingshot is focused on delivering personalized

Keynotes, Speaking Engagements, and Workshops.

During our events you will:

Gain clarity like never before

Uncover a new level of confidence

Take high performance at new heights

Take home tools to up level your mental toughness

and emotional resilience like never before

What is Mindpower™?

Mindpower is where mental toughness and emotional resilience converge.

Mindpower Coaching™ is a proprietary methodology designed to get into how you think and assist you in removing all mental & emotional barriers that are holding you back and draining your energy.

As Master Mindpower Coaches, we will take you from where you are currently performing to a level of high-performance you have yet to experience. You will get internally aligned and experience mental clarity like you've never experienced before.

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness is having an unwavering strength of mind and the ability to develop ongoing self-awareness to move through the ups and downs of life with grace.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience is the ability to no longer be a prisoner of your negative emotions. It's not to say you won't have negative emotions, yet your able to move forward and take ongoing action with confidence that you will overcome whatever obstacle is in your way.

A Story of Two Powerful Forces

Coming Together As One...

Have you ever met someone out of pure chance, and found a lifelong friend? Our story starts when our paths crossed under the most unlikely of circumstances. And yet in an instant, we knew we shared a common purpose and quickly became friends.

Both, students of Mindpower, under the mentorship of the #1 resilience coaches in the world, Steph and Shay, and certified Master Mindpower Coaches, we found ourselves diving deeper into a world of endless possibilities on where our dreams and gifts could take us. Now equipped with the techniques and tools to navigate life's most challenging obstacles, it was only natural that we join forces to serve and impact on a greater scale. And just like that, Mindset Slingshot was born.

You see, for the badasses out there in the world... we all know there's no time to dwell in the past. That's where we come in. It's our job as your coaches and guides to give you the tools to literally slingshot your way into achieving life's biggest, scariest, and most bodacious goals, propelling you into the dreamworld scenario of your future.

With Mindpower as our compass, no doubt your ride can be a journey toward a future brimming with possibility, triumph, and personal growth to be more, do more and have more than you ever imagined! Buckle up. Let’s ride and fly.

Meet Meryl

Master Mindpower Coach and Professor

Meryl is a born and bred Jersey girl, raising her family in Miami. With a therapist for a mom, her childhood home was a safe-haven for her friends to come chat about the constant bombardment of self-comparison, mean-girl mentality, and small-town family drama. Despite all the talking, she chose to internalize her insecurities, and self doubt, for as long as she can remember.

Still teaching at the U and now in her 40’s, she found herself at a cross-road, with resurfacing self doubt and insecurities, "40 years of emotional baggage literally broke my back."

This is when she decided to embark on a journey to master her Mindpower.

Being a Mindpower Coach has allowed her to unlock her full potential and join in on the Mindpower global mission to positively impact one billion lives while helping others become the best version of themselves. It is her true calling.

Meet Carlene

Master Mindpower Coach and Business Owner

Carlene embodies Boston's resilience, her birthplace, and the Midwest's graciousness, where she spent much of her life.

At 17, her father's illness sparked interest in the book "Love, Medicine, and Miracles," delving into the mind's healing power that still guides her life to this day.

Life's twists - marriage, motherhood, mission work, miscarriage, body image, and cancer - colored Carlene's journey. Approaching an empty nest, divorce marked a pivotal crossroads and resurfacing limiting beliefs.

Seeking a life coach, she embraced transformative tools, sparking a revelation; a new calling to gain her own coaching certifications. Meeting Mindpower Coach Meryl Blau further inspired her to enhance her practice with the very best culminating in her Master Mindpower Certification.

Carlene now guides through Mindpower coaching, facilitating transformative journeys through triumph and growth to help her clients live beyond their imaginations too!


This is where the magic happens. Where you get to have both Meryl and Carlene in the same room, pouring into you and your guests workshopping on the most important concepts of Mindpower.

Keynotes, speaking engagements and workshop are always customized to the individual event or company. We deliver a variety of material all focused on mental toughness and emotional resilience and customized based on your needs.

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